Divided Selves:
Legacies, Memories, Belonging
Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
18 February 2023 - 24 September 2023
Curator Tour:
Curator Hammad Nasar MBE discusses the themes, ideas and inspirations behind Divided Selves,
a new exhibition exploring legacies, memories and belonging.
Curated by Hammad Nasar MBE with Rosie Addenbrooke and Alice Swatton.
Divided Selves explored notions of belonging and living together at a time when the idea of nation is under stress, threatened by challenges ranging from populism to armed conflict.
Held at a time where the politics of identity have been weaponised for political gain, and divisiveness is rewarded in likes, followers and votes, it presents the work of artists exploring how we:
Make peace with difficult histories and traumatic pasts without being paralysed by them
Listen to and amplify voices that are often ignored or suppressed
Work as citizens of a state, and members of a community, to shape a common future

Divided Selves is presented across four galleries:
In the first, the works explored the process by which war and geo-politics have divided the earth into nation states, whose stability is increasingly at risk through war and oppression of ethnic minorities. Historic anniversaries of partitions and the often-violent birth of nations remind us of their fragility.
In the second gallery, artists engaged with ideas of nation, not through lines and borders, but through the idea of 'imagined communities' put forward by political scientist Benedict Anderson, focusing on our shared stories, histories and cultural narratives. These works explored how this idea is under threat from digital technologies, unchecked capitalism and rising ethno-nationalism, and consider the resilience we find in hopeful acts of everyday living.
The remaining two galleries brought these separate but overlapping ideas of collective identity together in large-scale, immersive works. Over the course of the exhibition, these two galleries changed to present works that were being shown in Coventry – and some in the UK – for the first time.
Supporting Literature & Images:
Exhibition Flythrough:
Explore the exhibition by drone as it takes you on a tour in just 2 minutes.